Detailed information about shopping center property which situated in Indianapolis (46229) city, Indiana state on 9509 E. Washington St..
Additional Information: JUST REDUCED!! Road work done. Parking in front is limited, but there are many spaces in the rear. Building size does not include the Car-X part of the property. Car-X is the owner. They will also sell the available space in addition to renting it. Asking price is roughly $450,000. Best case scenario would be to trade this building for land to put a new Car-X on. All one space today, but built with 4 bathrooms and can be made into as many as 4 different uses.
Property Address: 9509 E. Washington St., Indianapolis IN 46229
Floor | Area (SF) | Price | Suite | Min/Divisible | Max/Contiguous | Date Aavailable | Lease Term | Conference Rooms | Type | Rent | ||||
![]() |
4200 | none | 1,425 SF | 4,200 SF | 7/27/2009 | See Agent | Relet | $8 PSF Yearly - NN | ||||||
Desc: All one space today, but built with 4 bathrooms and can be made into as many as 4 different uses. Pricing: aproximately from 2,800.00 per month. |
NOTE: Please contact with Clint Fultz if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of shopping center property For lease.
shopping center property details
All information about shopping center property For lease that located on 9509 E. Washington St., Indianapolis, IN 46229 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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