7505 Eagle Crest Blvd, Evansville, IN 47715 - office property

Detailed information about office property which situated in Evansville (47715) city, Indiana state on 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd.

Additional Information: Please contact the agent for more information about this listing.

Property Address: 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd, Evansville IN 47715

  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Business Park
  • Status: For lease
  • Renters Information
The list of spaces that can be Available for rent/lease and sublease in 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd, Evansville IN 47715:
Floor Area (SF) Price Suite Min/Divisible Max/Contiguous Date Aavailable Lease Term Conference Rooms Type Rent
3000 7505 3,000 SF 3,000 SF 2/28/2012 See Agent New $16.50 PSF Yearly - NNN
Desc: The subject space is the middle suite utilizing the prominent main entrance. 3,000 SF shall be built out for Tenant. The subject suite is being created due to the downsizing of Anthem within the building. Anthem will relocate their entrance door to the west.The Landlord will allow $10/SF to be used toward the Tenant Improvements. Base Lease Rate to be $16.50/SF, NNN type lease. Subject suite is 25% of building for the purposes of charging back for Tenant’s Proportionate Share of the property’s operating expenses which are +/- $5.00/SF. Well lit parking lot - abundant spaces, Neighboring businesses include Wells Fargo, Anthem, Raymond James, IRS, Clark Deitz Engineering, Ameriprise, Fifth Third, Regions, First Bank and numerous other professional tenants. 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd. Pricing: aproximately from 4,000.00 per month.

NOTE: Please contact with Jerry A. Lamb Jr. if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of office property For lease.

7505 Eagle Crest Blvd, Evansville, IN 47715 office For lease on GoogleMaps

  • Type: office
  • Address: 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd
  • City: Evansville
  • State: IN
  • County: Vanderburgh
  • Zip-Code: 47715
  • Updated: 12/29/12

All information about office property For lease that located on 7505 Eagle Crest Blvd, Evansville, IN 47715 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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