Detailed information about office property which situated in Cathedral City (92234) city, California state on 68465 Perez Road.
Perez Road is a 100% commercial street with retail and commercial businesses for its entire length. Cathedral City is ideally located mid way between Palm Springs to the west and Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert to the east. Rerez Road is a 100% commercial street with m,any retail and commercial businesses along the entire length of the road.
Additional Information: 2 second floor offices serviced by outside stairway each office having approx 450 sq ft with a connecting door between suites so that both could be occupied by the same tenant or different tenants. Each suite has separate restroom which is not included as chargeable rental space. Suite C-1 = has large floor to ceiling windows on both the North and East sides and rents for $337.50 (.75 psf) per month on a gross lease. Suite C-2 = has floor to ceiling windows on the North side only and rents for $382.50( .85 psf) per month on a gross lease.Both Suites = If tenant rents both spaces the rent for both is $720.00 (.80 psf) per month.
Property Address: 68465 Perez Road, Cathedral City CA 92234
NOTE: Please contact with Richard DeCarlo if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of office property For lease.
office property details
All information about office property For lease that located on 68465 Perez Road, Cathedral City, CA 92234 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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