Detailed information about Office property which situated in Jeffersonville (47130) city, Indiana state on 590 Missouri Ave..
Property Address: 590 Missouri Ave., Jeffersonville IN 47130
Floor | Area (SF) | Price | Suite | Min/Divisible | Max/Contiguous | Date Aavailable | Lease Term | Conference Rooms | Type | Rent | ||||
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1600 | 102 | 1,600 SF | 1,600 SF | 11/15/2009 | See Agent | Relet | $10 PSF Yearly - Modified Gross | ||||||
Desc: This 1600 square foot office offers a built in receptionist desk, 2 private offices, break room, restroom, great signage, easy access to all the area interstates, new paint, free lighted parking, and much more. This former call center training facility is wired for 15 workstations. Located at the Water Tower Square Business Park near I-65 and the 2nd Street Bridge in Jeffersonville Indiana. Pricing: aproximately from 1,333.33 per month. |
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2800 | 206 | 2,800 SF | 2,800 SF | 11/15/2009 | See Agent | 1 | Relet | $11 PSF Yearly - Modified Gross | |||||
Desc: This 2,800 square foot suite offers new paint, a built in receptionist desk/nurse's station, built in medical filing unit, abundant natural light, 3 exam rooms with plumbing, 2 offices, an x-ray room, 2 restrooms, break room/conference room, an overhead door, exposed beams, ample free lighted parking, great signage, easy access to all the area interstates, and much more! Located at the Water Tower Square Business Park near I-65 and the 2nd Street Bridge in Jeffersonville Indiana. Pricing: aproximately from 2,566.67 per month. |
NOTE: Please contact with G.P. Hoehn if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of Office property For Rent.
Office property details
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All information about Office property For Rent that located on 590 Missouri Ave., Jeffersonville, IN 47130 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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