Detailed information about shopping center property which situated in Lafayette (70508) city, Louisiana state on 4510 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy..
Nearby Landmarks: Super Target, Kohl's, Cost Plus World Market, Academy Sports + Outdoors, Albertson's
Additional Information: This new development opportunity is at the center of Lafayette’s growing retail market. Because of Lafayette’s centralized location in south Louisiana, its retail market draws from an expansive trade area extending approximately 50 miles to the north and south and 30 miles to the east and west. This strong regional draw is a key contributor to Lafayette parish’s $5.0 billion in sales of retail goods in 2006. The employment base of the Lafayette metropolitan region has experienced good growth over the last decade with the recovery of the oil industry. In addition, the city has capitalized on its central location by developing increased representation in healthcare, technology and retail activities. This growth has further diversified the region’s employment base and has contributed to Lafayette parish’s low unemployment rate.
Property Address: 4510 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy., Lafayette LA 70508
Floor | Area (SF) | Price | Suite | Min/Divisible | Max/Contiguous | Date Aavailable | Lease Term | Conference Rooms | Type | Rent | ||||
![]() |
51282 | Available | 15,000 SF | 51,282 SF | 5/8/2007 | See Agent | Relet | $8 PSF Yearly - NNN | ||||||
Desc: Vacant Winn-Dixie Pricing: aproximately from 34,188.00 per month. |
NOTE: Please contact with Ryan Pécot if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of shopping center property For lease.
shopping center property details
All information about shopping center property For lease that located on 4510 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy., Lafayette, LA 70508 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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