Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Palm Desert (92211) city, California state on 39-755 Berkey Drive.
Additional Information: FORMER WHOLESALE ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR. 14,351 SF Warehouse/office with newly painted approx. 1700 SF offices with large conference room. Warehouse has 2 roll ups and apron with dual truck well. Adjacent small fenced yard. EASY FREEWAY ACCESSS, STATE ENTERPROISE ZONE AREA, LOW COST POWER DISTRICT, FENCED YARD and DUAL TRUCK WELL. NUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. Sublet with more time with available, can start as low as .49 cent PSF !!!!! easy to show,call Broker, Polo Doria,SIOR 760-834-6906
Property Address: 39-755 Berkey Drive, Palm Desert CA 92211
Floor | Area (SF) | Price | Suite | Min/Divisible | Max/Contiguous | Date Aavailable | Lease Term | Conference Rooms | Type | Rent | |
![]() |
14351 | B | 14,351 SF | 14,351 SF | 11/29/2011 | See Agent | Sublet | $0.48 PSF Monthly - Modified Gross |
NOTE: Please contact with Polo Doria, SIOR if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For lease.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For lease that located on 39-755 Berkey Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92211 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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