3 South Seventh Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 - office property

Detailed information about office property which situated in Colorado Springs (80905) city, Colorado state on 3 South Seventh Street.

Additional Information: Freestanding Office Building Available For Sale or For Lease. Great central location near the corner of W Pikes Peak Ave & 7th Street, the westside and the central business district. Building can be leased in its entirety or each floor separately. Excellent access to HHwy 24 & Interstate 25. Zoned C-5, Intermediate Business. Lease Rate $10.00 psf, Modified Gross + Utilities. 30 parking spaces. Both floors have a private entrance, conference room and two (2) restrooms. First floor has 13 offices and a breakroom. The second floor has 15 offices and a reception area.

Property Address: 3 South Seventh Street, Colorado Springs CO 80905

Cost: See Agent
  • Details
  • Zoning: C-5
  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Office Building
  • Status: For sale
  • Sales Term: Cash to Seller
  • Price: See Agent
  • Renters Information

NOTE: Please contact with Randy Churchill Dowis if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of office property For sale.

3 South Seventh Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 office For sale on GoogleMaps

  • Type: office
  • Address: 3 South Seventh Street
  • City: Colorado Springs
  • State: CO
  • County: El Paso
  • Zip-Code: 80905
  • Updated: 03/04/13
  • Randy Churchill Dowis
  • Company: Highland Commercial Group
  • Phone: 719-577-0044 [Office]

All information about office property For sale that located on 3 South Seventh Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80905 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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