Detailed information about special purpose property which situated in Mount Washington (40047) city, Kentucky state on 214 N Bardstown Rd..
Mt Washington is the eastern section of Bullitt Co. adjacent to Jefferson Co. and in close proximity to I65 and I265 and Louisville International airport.
Additional Information: B2 Central Business zoning offers many uses for this beautiful Church and parsonage facilities on 1.269 acres. Total sq. footage of church property including basement is 14,802. There is a fenced in back yard, playground area, storage building, and parking lot with 63 parking spots. This property has 173' road frontage on US Highway 31E and 253' road frontage behind on Snapp St. It is conveniently located 7 miles from I-265 Gene Snyder Freeway and 10 miles to I-65 in Sheperdsville. The sanctuary seats 200 people. It has padded pews, carpet on the floor,and extremely high ceilings with beautiful stained beams/moldings. There is a platform area in the pulpit area. There is even an elevator. The basement below has outside entrances and is comprised of 7 rooms surrounding a large mulitpurpose area. The first floor of the attached educational building has 5 rooms that can be used as classrooms, 2 bathrooms with multiple facilities within, a large kitchen,and a huge fellowship area. The upstairs of the educational building has 8 classrooms including a nursery, a choir room, and a bathroom. This area coud be reconfigured for even more open area if desired. This property has unlimited potential.
Property Address: 214 N Bardstown Rd., Mount Washington KY 40047
Cost: $350,000NOTE: Please contact with Donna Thompson if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of special purpose property For sale.
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All information about special purpose property For sale that located on 214 N Bardstown Rd., Mount Washington, KY 40047 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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