157 Charles Coleman Boulevard, Pawling, NY 12564 - industrial property

Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Pawling (12564) city, New York state on 157 Charles Coleman Boulevard.

Additional Information: The owner and manufacturer of this large complex of more than 250,000 SF is in the process of consolidating to maximize it's operations. In doing so, there are now two stand alone facilities available for lease and possible purchase. Facility has robust electrical power. The property has expansive parking areas for employee and tractor trailer parking. Each of the facilities can be further subdivided into smaller units as necessary, or leased in whole building configurations.

Property Address: 157 Charles Coleman Boulevard, Pawling NY 12564

  • Building Info
  • Building Name: Pawling Corp Complex
  • Stories: 1
  • Details
  • Zoning: I
  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Free-Standing, Industrial-Business Park, Manufacturing, Research & Development
  • Status: For lease
  • Renters Information
The list of spaces that can be Available for rent/lease and sublease in Pawling Corp Complex:
Floor Area (SF) Price Suite Min/Divisible Max/Contiguous Date Aavailable Lease Term Conference Rooms Type Rent
67250 1 13,500 SF 67,250 SF 6/1/2010 60 Months Relet $6.50 PSF Yearly - NNN
Desc: Combination of 13,500 sf of office space, 5,000 sf of common cafeteria, bathrooms, locker areas and meeting rooms, and 48,750 sf of warehouse & manufacturing space. Warehouse & manufacturing spaces have varying heights with largest areas being 20' clear and 11'3" in clear height. Pricing: aproximately from 33,625.00 per month.
32000 2 16,000 SF 32,000 SF 5/1/2010 60 Months Relet $6.50 PSF Yearly - NNN
Desc: Two story building of 16,000 SF per floor. Pricing: aproximately from 16,000.00 per month.

NOTE: Please contact with Eric Bickmann if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For lease.

157 Charles Coleman Boulevard, Pawling, NY 12564 industrial For lease on GoogleMaps

  • Type: industrial
  • Address: 157 Charles Coleman Boulevard
  • City: Pawling
  • State: NY
  • County: Dutchess
  • Zip-Code: 12564
  • Updated: 04/17/12

All information about industrial property For lease that located on 157 Charles Coleman Boulevard, Pawling, NY 12564 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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