Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Stafford (77477) city, Texas state on 13203 Stafford Road.
Additional Information: Please contact the agent for more information about this listing.
Property Address: 13203 Stafford Road, Stafford TX 77477
Floor | Area (SF) | Price | Suite | Min/Divisible | Max/Contiguous | Date Aavailable | Lease Term | Conference Rooms | Type | Rent | ||||
![]() |
8560 | 100 | 4,280 SF | 8,560 SF | 11/1/2011 | See Agent | New | $0.64 PSF Monthly - Gross Lease | ||||||
Desc: This space has generous windows on newly widened Stafford Road and is an ideal location for your showroom. Loading doors are 14' high and 12' wide and can be driven through front to back. Clear heights are 20' and up. Generous build out allowance on shell space. |
NOTE: Please contact with Bud Turner if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For lease.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For lease that located on 13203 Stafford Road, Stafford, TX 77477 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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