Commercial Property For Rent in Royal Oak, MI 48067 - rentals listings database including Royal Oak MI 48067 Commercial Property For Rent and other real estate for rent in US.
Browse Royal Oak, Oakland county of Michigan Commercial Property For Rent
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Total: 74 Commercial Property For Rent found in Royal Oak city, Oakland county, Michigan
Property Type:
Address: 120 E. Hudson
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 65826
Address: 120 E. Hudson
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 65826
Property Type:
Address: 2302 Catalpa
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 183091
Address: 2302 Catalpa
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 183091
Property Type:
vacant land
Address: 50' X 100' Vacant Commercial/Residential Lot
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 173031
vacant land
Address: 50' X 100' Vacant Commercial/Residential Lot
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 173031
Property Type:
vacant land
Address: 2.45 Acres on Harrison St
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 173000
vacant land
Address: 2.45 Acres on Harrison St
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 173000
Property Type:
Use: Mixed Use
Address: 811 N MAIN ST
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 104569
Use: Mixed Use
Address: 811 N MAIN ST
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 104569
Property Type:
shopping center
Use: Grocery-Anchored
Address: 805 S. Campbell & 1638 Lincoln
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 67359
shopping center
Use: Grocery-Anchored
Address: 805 S. Campbell & 1638 Lincoln
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 67359
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family), Retail, Other
Address: 123 Mason Ct
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 129352
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family), Retail, Other
Address: 123 Mason Ct
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 129352
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family
Address: Harrison Street & Morse Road
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 46637
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family
Address: Harrison Street & Morse Road
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 46637
Property Type:
Use: Free-Standing
Address: 1230 -1032 Morse Ave
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 173742
Use: Free-Standing
Address: 1230 -1032 Morse Ave
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 173742
Property Type:
Use: Office Building
Address: 28000 Woodward Avenue
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
County: Oakland Zip-Code: 48067
ID: 66926
Use: Office Building
Address: 28000 Woodward Avenue
City: Royal Oak/Oakland
State: MI
ID: 66926
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