Commercial Property For Rent in Houma, LA 70360 - rentals listings database including Houma LA 70360 Commercial Property For Rent and other real estate for rent in US.
Browse Houma, Terrebonne county of Louisiana Commercial Property For Rent
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Total: 43 Commercial Property For Rent found in Houma city, Terrebonne county, Louisiana
Property Type:
Use: Free-Standing Building
Address: 1437 St. Charles Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
ID: 165729
Use: Free-Standing Building
Address: 1437 St. Charles Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
ID: 165729
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel A1 Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$15 PSF
ID: 64867
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel A1 Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$15 PSF
ID: 64867
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel D - Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$8 PSF
ID: 64937
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel D - Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$8 PSF
ID: 64937
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: West Main Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$4 PSF
ID: 64938
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: West Main Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$4 PSF
ID: 64938
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Self Storage, General
Address: Synergy Center Blvd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$5 PSF
ID: 64934
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Self Storage, General
Address: Synergy Center Blvd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$5 PSF
ID: 64934
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail, Other
Address: Main Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$10 PSF
ID: 64866
vacant land
Use: Retail, Other
Address: Main Street
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$10 PSF
ID: 64866
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel E - Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$3.50 PSF
ID: 64935
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: Parcel E - Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$3.50 PSF
ID: 64935
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 1830 Martin Luther King Blvd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$21 PSF
ID: 101690
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 1830 Martin Luther King Blvd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$21 PSF
ID: 101690
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Other
Address: 280 South Hollywood Road
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
$13.50 PSF
ID: 105362
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Other
Address: 280 South Hollywood Road
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
$13.50 PSF
ID: 105362
Property Type:
Use: Mixed Use
Address: 292 S Hollywood Rd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
County: Terrebonne Zip-Code: 70360
ID: 105368
Use: Mixed Use
Address: 292 S Hollywood Rd
City: Houma/Terrebonne
State: LA
ID: 105368
Houma, LA 70360 on GoogleMaps
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