Apartments for Rent in Covington, LA 70433 - rentals listings database including Covington LA 70433 Apartments for Rent and other real estate for rent in US.
Browse Covington, Saint Tammany county of Louisiana Apartments for Rent
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Total: 98 Apartments for Rent found in Covington city, Saint Tammany county, Louisiana
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Monga Dr/Lands End Ln
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 136887
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Monga Dr/Lands End Ln
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 136887
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: E. 4th Ave
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 122994
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: E. 4th Ave
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 122994
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Bunny Lane
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 122990
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Bunny Lane
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 122990
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family, Office, Retail-Pad, Self Storage, Other
Address: 389 Holiday Blvd.
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 122992
vacant land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family, Office, Retail-Pad, Self Storage, Other
Address: 389 Holiday Blvd.
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 122992
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Other
Address: 2001 Hwy 190 E. Service Road
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 105017
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Other
Address: 2001 Hwy 190 E. Service Road
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 105017
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Multi-Family, Self Storage, Other
Address: Phillip Drive
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 104447
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Multi-Family, Self Storage, Other
Address: Phillip Drive
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 104447
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial
Address: Northpointe Business Park
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 132254
vacant land
Use: Industrial
Address: Northpointe Business Park
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 132254
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Proposed Emerald Forest Blvd with Sixth Street Access
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 32550
vacant land
Use: Residential (Single Family)
Address: Proposed Emerald Forest Blvd with Sixth Street Access
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 32550
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family
Address: Hwy 190 By-pass
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
ID: 123040
vacant land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family
Address: Hwy 190 By-pass
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
ID: 123040
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Retail, Self Storage, Other
Address: 2170 Manton Dr
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
County: Saint Tammany Zip-Code: 70433
$3 PSF
ID: 102864
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Retail, Self Storage, Other
Address: 2170 Manton Dr
City: Covington/Saint Tammany
State: LA
$3 PSF
ID: 102864
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