Apartments for Rent in Jeffersonville, IN 47130 - rentals listings database including Jeffersonville IN 47130 Apartments for Rent and other real estate for rent in US.
Browse Jeffersonville, Clark county of Indiana Apartments for Rent
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Total: 32 Apartments for Rent found in Jeffersonville city, Clark county, Indiana
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family
Address: Tract 7 Peach Blossom Drive
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
$60,000 Per Acre
ID: 136496
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family
Address: Tract 7 Peach Blossom Drive
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
$60,000 Per Acre
ID: 136496
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office
Address: 1101 Locust Street
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 67704
vacant land
Use: Office
Address: 1101 Locust Street
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 67704
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail-Pad
Address: Holmans Lane & 10th Street
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 93904
vacant land
Use: Retail-Pad
Address: Holmans Lane & 10th Street
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 93904
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: 2711 E 10th St
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 93561
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: 2711 E 10th St
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 93561
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, General
Address: 2314 Allison Lane
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
$285,000 Per Acre
ID: 61081
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, General
Address: 2314 Allison Lane
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
$285,000 Per Acre
ID: 61081
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 1912 and 1914 East 10th St.
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 113559
vacant land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 1912 and 1914 East 10th St.
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 113559
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Residential (Single Family), Retail
Address: 3735 E 10th St
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
$90,000 Per Acre
ID: 89850
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Residential (Single Family), Retail
Address: 3735 E 10th St
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
$90,000 Per Acre
ID: 89850
Property Type:
Vacant Land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family, Office, Residential (Single Family), Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 2421 E. 10th St./Hwy. 62
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 35417
Vacant Land
Use: Hospitality, Multi-Family, Office, Residential (Single Family), Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 2421 E. 10th St./Hwy. 62
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 35417
Property Type:
Vacant Land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 3117 Highway 62 East
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 48507
Vacant Land
Use: Office, Retail, Retail-Pad
Address: 3117 Highway 62 East
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 48507
Property Type:
Vacant Land
Use: Industrial
Address: 4205 Middle Road
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
County: Clark Zip-Code: 47130
ID: 49055
Vacant Land
Use: Industrial
Address: 4205 Middle Road
City: Jeffersonville/Clark
State: IN
ID: 49055
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