Apartments for Rent in Tampa, FL 33619 - rentals listings database including Tampa FL 33619 Apartments for Rent and other real estate for rent in US.
Browse Tampa, Hillsborough county of Florida Apartments for Rent
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Total: 32 Apartments for Rent found in Tampa city, Hillsborough county, Florida
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Retail
Address: 1300 Block of US Hwy 301 & Crosstown Expwy
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 162684
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Retail
Address: 1300 Block of US Hwy 301 & Crosstown Expwy
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 162684
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Self Storage, Other, General
Address: 5014 Washington Street
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 107255
vacant land
Use: Office, Self Storage, Other, General
Address: 5014 Washington Street
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 107255
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Other, General
Address: 4902 Causeway Boulevard
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 107253
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office, Retail, Retail-Pad, Other, General
Address: 4902 Causeway Boulevard
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 107253
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office
Address: Currie Davis Drive and Phillip Lee Boulevard
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
$6.95 PSF
ID: 87452
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Office
Address: Currie Davis Drive and Phillip Lee Boulevard
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
$6.95 PSF
ID: 87452
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Other
Address: 1922 Tampa East Blvd.
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 86856
vacant land
Use: Industrial, Other
Address: 1922 Tampa East Blvd.
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 86856
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office, Residential (Single Family), Retail
Address: 7729 Palm River Rd
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 109963
vacant land
Use: Office, Residential (Single Family), Retail
Address: 7729 Palm River Rd
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 109963
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Agricultural, Self Storage
Address: 3710 Orient Road
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 85971
vacant land
Use: Agricultural, Self Storage
Address: 3710 Orient Road
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 85971
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: 8311 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 184174
vacant land
Use: Retail
Address: 8311 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 184174
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Residential (Single Family), Other
Address: 0 54th Street
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 86795
vacant land
Use: Multi-Family, Residential (Single Family), Other
Address: 0 54th Street
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 86795
Property Type:
vacant land
Use: Office
Address: 1206 Marbella Plaza Drive
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
County: Hillsborough Zip-Code: 33619
ID: 86416
vacant land
Use: Office
Address: 1206 Marbella Plaza Drive
City: Tampa/Hillsborough
State: FL
ID: 86416
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