Manhattan, NY 10016, New York, NY 10016 -

Detailed information about property which situated in New York (10016) city, New York state on Manhattan, NY 10016.

Additional Information: LOW, LOW MAINTENANCE ONLY $509.00 this beautiful, spacious prewar studio with Large Dining Area, brand new galley kitchen with stainless steel appliances and custom cabinets, crown moldings, high ceilings and wonderfully refinished floors. Custom painted.  Granite countertops and a white tile backsplash, + a dressing room leading to the fully newly tiled windowed bathroom.  Three closets, archway separating living and dining spaces.The building is a wonderfully charming art deco low rise with elevator, laundry room, bike room, common storage, virtual doorman, live-in super and pleasantly furnished lobby. It is located in the heart of Murray Hill within walking distance of Grand Central Station, New York University Medical Center, the Morgan Library and Museum, Macy's and only steps from all shops and restaurants and the Lexington Avenue Subway Line. Pets are allowed. Pied-a-Terres are allowed and Subletting is allowed after two years of residency.

Property Address: Manhattan, NY 10016, New York NY 10016

  • Building Info
  • Area: 525 sq ft
  • Rental Info
  • Status: For Sale
  • Renters Information

NOTE: Please contact with Alicia Lazansky if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of For Sale.

Manhattan, NY 10016, New York, NY 10016 For Sale on GoogleMaps

  • Address: Manhattan, NY 10016
  • City: New York
  • State: NY
  • Zip-Code: 10016
  • Updated: 07/26/13
  • Alicia Lazansky
  • Phone: 646.209.5803
  • City: 20 East 49th Street NY
  • State: NY
  • Zip: 10017

All information about For Sale that located on Manhattan, NY 10016, New York, NY 10016 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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