Detailed information about vacant land property which situated in Saint Petersburg (33701) city, Florida state on Highland Ave..
Additional Information: The Highland Courtyard Townhome project is located in the Historic Uptown Neighborhood of downtown St. Petersburg. The property fronts Highland Ave. North and is just north of 5th Ave and I-375. The site has twenty-three pad ready townhome lots available for immediate development. Area: The Highland Couryard Townhome project is in a suburban neighborhood dating back to the 1920’s. There has been a host of new development throughout the area in the past ten years. There’s a public park next to lot twenty-four on the north side of the project. This site is within walking distance to St. Anthony’s Hospital, the St. Pete VA Outpatient Center, Walgreens, Save A Lot, Parks and area businesses. The project is also located less than a block away from two Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority bus stops. Downtown: Downtown St. Pete offers a host of new businesses and entertainment. Baywalk, the Pier, Tropicana Field, Vinoy Park, USF and other destinations are less than five minutes away. Size: 1.64 acres total. Six townhomes have been completed and are not part of the sale. Zoning: PUD—(Zoning RM-15)—Maximum height of 35 feet. Utilities: Site has utilities available. Sixteen townhome sites have utilities subbed to each finished lot. HOA: Active HOA that the current owner has control over. HOA will be transferred with sale of project. Owner: Clearview Land HC LLC Price: $24,000 per townhome lot. Co-Listed With Robert Barber, CCIM
Property Address: Highland Ave., Saint Petersburg FL 33701
Cost: $552,000NOTE: Please contact with Sage N. Andress P.A. , ALC, CCIM if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of vacant land property For sale.
vacant land property details
All information about vacant land property For sale that located on Highland Ave., Saint Petersburg, FL 33701 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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