Detailed information about vacant land property which situated in Elkhart (46514) city, Indiana state on County Rd 6.
Subject property is located in a high traffic, highly visible location with commerical property adjacent to the east on the south side of CR 6 west of Osolo Road approximately 2 miles from I-80/90 Toll Road just outside the city limits. Traffic Count 12,966 Cars Daily.
Additional Information: 661' frontage on CR 6 x 326.5' deep (4.96 +/- acres @ $125,000 Per Acre. D PUD zoning (Detailed Planned Unit Development), Municipal Sewer and Water available. Ideal location for single family, multi family, office park, retail or commercial developmment on a high traffic corridor with strong demographics.
Property Address: County Rd 6, Elkhart IN 46514
Cost: $595,200NOTE: Please contact with Send Email if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of vacant land property For sale.
vacant land property details
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