9419 Bandley Dr, Fountain, CO 80817 - vacant land property

Detailed information about vacant land property which situated in Fountain (80817) city, Colorado state on 9419 Bandley Dr.

Additional Information: The property has been fully platted with all utilities to the site. Served by a 12" Water and Sewer Line. The Gateway Center is fully developed and ready to build. This high visibility location from I-25 is the closest commercial for shopping outside oof Fort Carson Main South Gate (20) which serves the Fountain Valley and Pueblo off Post troops. Located in a Colorado Enterprise Zone.

Property Address: 9419 Bandley Dr, Fountain CO 80817

Cost: $1.25 PSF
  • Building Info
  • Area: 4.61 Acres
  • Details
  • Zoning: PI
  • Area Size (SF): 4.61 Acres
  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Industrial, Office, Retail, Self Storage
  • Status: For sale
  • Sales Term: Cash to Seller, Owner Financing
  • Price: $1.25 PSF
  • Renters Information

NOTE: Please contact with Sam Cameron if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of vacant land property For sale.

9419 Bandley Dr, Fountain, CO 80817 vacant land For sale on GoogleMaps

  • Type: vacant land
  • Address: 9419 Bandley Dr
  • City: Fountain
  • State: CO
  • County: El Paso
  • Zip-Code: 80817
  • Updated: 04/09/12

All information about vacant land property For sale that located on 9419 Bandley Dr, Fountain, CO 80817 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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