5619 Mcdeane Rd, Louisville, KY 40214 - vacant land property

Detailed information about vacant land property which situated in Louisville (40214) city, Kentucky state on 5619 Mcdeane Rd.

Additional Information: Check out the opportunity with this bank owned property in the South End of Louisville! Take advantage of the current market conditions with this R5A (multi family) zoned property with a development plan approved. Approved for 198 units- offered at only $4,300 per developable unit! The site has been approved for a patio home/single family development, but it's still ideal for revising the plan to multi-family, assisted living, or other uses. The property is scenic and includes a lake. The owner/lender is willing to provide attractive financing terms for qualified buyers. Buy now and bank the land at low carrying costs! Owner is in possession of architectural and engineering plans. Can be combined with contiguous parcel (KCREA listing 19188014) that is also bank owned and zoned multi-family for a total of 56 acres!

Property Address: 5619 Mcdeane Rd, Louisville KY 40214

Cost: $850,000
  • Building Info
  • Area: 30.14 Acres
  • Rental Info
  • Ideal Use: Agricultural, Multi-Family, Residential (Single Family), Other
  • Status: For sale
  • Sales Term: Cash to Seller, Owner Financing
  • Price: $850,000
  • Unit Price: $28,201.73 Per Acre
  • Renters Information

NOTE: Please contact with Reed B Weinberg if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of vacant land property For sale.

5619 Mcdeane Rd, Louisville, KY 40214 vacant land For sale on GoogleMaps

  • Type: vacant land
  • Address: 5619 Mcdeane Rd
  • City: Louisville
  • State: KY
  • County: Jefferson
  • Zip-Code: 40214
  • Updated: 06/12/12

All information about vacant land property For sale that located on 5619 Mcdeane Rd, Louisville, KY 40214 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.

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