Detailed information about Townhouse property which situated in New York (10031) city, New York state on 466 West 153rd Street.
Additional Information: This incredible brownstone is a contractor's dream. 466 West 153rd is set on a beautiful tree lined, land marked block in the flourishing neighborhood of Hamilton Heights. The house, originally a school house converted to mason's lodge converted to multifamily, is a work in progress with only your final touches missing. All the hard work's been done!! Bring your contractor and decorator to finish this glorious home in the process of being refurbished. LAYOUTThe owners triplex starts on the garden level with a living area, dining room and kitchen that opens to a serene patio. The parlor floor flows from a fabulous sitting room to walk through closet and master bed and bath. The master bedroom is adorned by an angelic skylight and the complimentary bathroom is equally remarkable with Jacuzzi tub and standing rain shower. The second floor features a formal living room, full bathroom and guest bedroom. The third floor is home to a second apartment--invest or mother-daughter option--with newly renovated living room, kitchen, and bathroom; and is wired for surround sound. DETAILS6 fireplaceswainscoting original restored banisternew wood floors stained glass detailing new boilernew roofNEIGHBORHOODAs the middle of the island becomes more crowded, many professionals are opting to relocate to more peaceful neighborhoods and Hamilton Heights at the top of everyone's list. Through easy access to public transportation (the A/C and B/D and 1 trains) or a quick jot down Harlem River Dr or Henry Hudson Parkway, both sides of midtown are only minutes away. Furthermore, Hamilton Heights is the home of City College of New York (CCNY), Dance Theatre of Harlem, The Harlem School of the Arts and Aaron Davis Hall. The neighborhood also features several parks including the new Riverbank State Park. Looking for restaurants, look no further than where one can find cuisines from all corners of the world.
Property Address: 466 West 153rd Street, New York NY 10031
NOTE: Please contact with Tali Berzak if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of Townhouse property For Sale.
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All information about Townhouse property For Sale that located on 466 West 153rd Street, New York, NY 10031 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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