Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Mount Sterling (40353) city, Kentucky state on 4002 Old Owingsville Road.
Additional Information: EZ-Storage is a well located, highly occupied investment opportunity in an excellent location in Mt. Sterling Kentucky. Offered below recently appraised value, this represents a bank-oriented sale that is being initiated by the seller's lender. The property is comprised of 176 self storage units (approximately 30,840 sf) and approximately 7,925 sf of commercial space. It has been well maintained and managed by an owner/manager. Currently, the property is experiencing very high occupancy, but there is significant upside since units are rented below market. The inclusion of space that is leased to several commercial tenants offers a diversification of income. The property sits in a high traffic location right off Interstate 64 and is the first self storage property that one reaches after exiting. This is the perfect opportunity for a new storage investor, or a seasoned investor who wishes to add to an existing portfolio. Properties like this are few and far between- this unique opportunity presents a chance to invest in a "recession resistant" business! Mt. Sterling is the county seat to Montgomery County which is home to some 26,000 residents. It is the economic engine for this Central Kentucky region as noted by Site Selection magazine, recently placing the community as a top ten Micropolitan community in Kentucky. This is due to the growth and capital investment made in the community. Montgomery County is home to 35 industries employing over 5,000 area residents and three are currently expanding their operations. A new state of the art 65 bed hospital just opened, a regional arts center, the Clay Community Center which is home to the newest and fastest growing extended campus for Morehead State University plus numerous other amenities.
Property Address: 4002 Old Owingsville Road, Mount Sterling KY 40353
Cost: $750,000NOTE: Please contact with Reed B Weinberg if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For sale.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For sale that located on 4002 Old Owingsville Road, Mount Sterling, KY 40353 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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