Detailed information about Commercial property which situated in New York (10018) city, New York state on 35 West 38th Street.
Additional Information: Location - Central MidtownCross street - 5th and 6th Ave.Area square foot - 13,400sfLot size - 37.5x100Block & Lot - 840-21Zoning - Manufacture, commercial, Hotel, M1-6Stories - 5 storyRemodeled entranceSale price - $ 12,700,000Rent for entire building - $50.000/MBuildable sf - 47,500sfFar -10Height limit - NoneAir Right - yesFeature* Ground floor-2 retail stores, one office* 2nd floor -3 offices* 3,4,5 floor -2 offices in each floor, connected in rear* 5th floor has 2 large sky light in each office* Each office has 2 bathrooms* Basement - 2,500sf with 2bathExpenseTax - $6,5000/yearMatenance(water,heating,maintnance) - $7,000/yearIncomeTotal of $44,450/month* 1st floor : east side store - $8,200(with basement) north side office - $ 2,200(1st year) west side store - $8,000* 2nd floor : east side office - $3,150(1,600sf) west side office - $3,150 south side offise - $3,150* 3rd floor ; east side office - $2,900(first year, 1,600sf) west side office - $2,800(first year, 1,500sf)* 4th floor : east side office - $2,400(first year, 1,600sf) west side office - $2,400(first year,1,500sf)* 5th floor : east side office - $3,500(first year,1,600sf) weest side office - $3,500(first year,1,500sf)* for other listings :
Property Address: 35 West 38th Street, New York NY 10018
NOTE: Please contact with Sung Kwon if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of Commercial property For Sale.
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All information about Commercial property For Sale that located on 35 West 38th Street, New York, NY 10018 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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