Detailed information about vacant land property which situated in Ocala (34475) city, Florida state on 3100 N. Pine Ave..
Additional Information: The property is 9.62 acres of vacant commercial land located in the 3100 Block of N. Pine Avenue (U.S. Highway 441), Ocala, FL 34475. Adjacent land uses: North: Walgreens Pharmacy; NW 35th street beyond; South: Prestige Home Center, manufactured home sales; East: N. Pine Ave. (a/k/a U.S. Hwy 441), KFC and Ocala North shopping center beyond West: CR25A (a/k/a NW Gainesville Rd.), vacant commercial land. Location: Ocala is located in central Florida, the site is east of Interstate 75 and directly west of U.S. Highway 441. This site is located on U.S. Highway 441 just south of NW 35th Street, a lighted intersection. Size: 9.62± acres Zoning and Land Use: B-4 General Business District. This zoning is intended for larger retail establishments, businesses catering to highway trade and motorist’s needs and businesses that receive a large number of delivery trucks. Land Use: According to the City of Ocala Comprehensive Plan, the subject property is located within the Retail Services land use classification. Tax ID #: The property tax ID is 25226-003-00.
Property Address: 3100 N. Pine Ave., Ocala FL 34475
Cost: $589,500NOTE: Please contact with William A. Eshenbaugh if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of vacant land property For sale.
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All information about vacant land property For sale that located on 3100 N. Pine Ave., Ocala, FL 34475 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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