Detailed information about special purpose property which situated in Metairie (70002) city, Louisiana state on 3016 Lake Villa Drive.
Additional Information: 3016 Lake Villa Drive is currently a Day Care Center. This Day Care Center is Class B. Licensed for 27 children. Established for over 12 years. Sale includes the real estate. Zoned R-3 and the owner is currently applying for a G0 zoning for General Office use. Parking for approx. four cars in front. Land is approx. 50' X 135' In area of several other Day Care Centers. Located near Veterans Blvd.on a quiet street that does not have a lot of traffic. Co listed with Emile Tujague (504) 887-7878 and William Lambert (504) 887-7878. *"Confidential Listing" This is an existing business. Do not inform anyone other than prospective clients. Contact Listing Agent to schedule an appointment after business hours.
Property Address: 3016 Lake Villa Drive, Metairie LA 70002
Cost: $185,000NOTE: Please contact with George D Cowand if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of special purpose property For sale.
special purpose property details
All information about special purpose property For sale that located on 3016 Lake Villa Drive, Metairie, LA 70002 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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