Detailed information about office property which situated in Orlando (32803) city, Florida state on 2902 Corrine Dr.
Additional Information: Highlights Ideal Retail/Office 2600 Square Feet Completely private Owner' s Unit Rectangular Shape; easy to reconfigure Free-standing pole sign on site Available for Lease at $12.00/SF NNN Description Operated for the past several years as a State Farm Agency office, the property is a quality-finished 2600 square foot space. Situated within a multi-tenant condominium style retail center, the space has the ideal advantage of being situated in a retail environment with great office functionality. Rectangular in shape, the unit is 72 feet deep with 30 feet of frontage on Corrine Drive. The office has been recently remodeled. Additionally, there is a private area on the second floor consisting of a large sitting room/bedroom with its own full bathroom. Currently used as a respite area by the owner, this could be an ideal executive office. Access to the second floor is via a stairway directly off the break room. The open reception area houses individual work stations and there is a private office just off reception. The balance of the space is segmented into two private executive offices, work and mail room, bathrooms, and a large kitchen/break room. The entire space is extremely comfortable and attractive. There is an exit at the rear to the back parking lot and driveway. Simply a perfect location for real estate, insurance, spa, or other semi-retail businesses.
Property Address: 2902 Corrine Dr, Orlando FL 32803
Cost: $429,000NOTE: Please contact with Robin Webb if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of office property For sale.
office property details
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