Detailed information about retail-commercial property which situated in Clearwater (33761) city, Florida state on 29000 US HIGHWAY 19 NORTH.
Additional Information: Beautiful restaurant building with a nice covered outdoor porch, equiped with two cooking hoods with a very large kitchen. Great daytime population and surrounded by single and multi-family developments. Bulding Size: 5,551,± square feet Land Size: 1.16± acres Year Built: 1981 Traffi c Counts: 73,500 AADT 2010 on US Hwy 19 N Zoning: CP1 Cross access agreements with adjacent property. 2011 Estimated Taxes w/o Cap or Exemptions $16,587.75 Price Slashed: From $1,090,000 to $880,000For Lease: $100,000 per year NNN ($8,333.33 per month / $18.01 per square foot)
Property Address: 29000 US HIGHWAY 19 NORTH, Clearwater FL 33761
Cost: $880,000NOTE: Please contact with Thomas G Chamblee if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of retail-commercial property For sale.
retail-commercial property details
All information about retail-commercial property For sale that located on 29000 US HIGHWAY 19 NORTH, Clearwater, FL 33761 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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