Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Clearwater (33765) city, Florida state on 2041 Range Road.
Additional Information: Bank Owned Foreclosure 10,173sf +/- Industrial Building Zoning is M-1/Light Manufacturing Concrete Block Construction 36,685 sf Lot 3 Grade Level Roll up Doors Vacant Located in the Hercules Industrial Park this is a bank owned foreclosure consisting of three connected concrete block buildings built in 1987, 1968 and 1966 w/3 grade level roll up doors. Warehouse ceiling heights range from 10’-18’ +/-. There is ample parking with a large lot that is partially fenced. There is a lighted pylon sign currently on the property. Formerly a cabinet/door manufacturer there is a showroom and office in the front and the rear 2/3 of the building is industrial/warehouse. M-1 zoning allows for many types of industrial uses. Property needs TLC and is selling in “as is” condition.
Property Address: 2041 Range Road, Clearwater FL 33765
Cost: $449,000NOTE: Please contact with Gregory R Andretta, SIOR if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For sale.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For sale that located on 2041 Range Road, Clearwater, FL 33765 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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