Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Jasper (47546) city, Indiana state on 1325 Franklin Street.
The subject is located in a mixed area of mostly industrial, some office and some residential homes. The company head quarters for Kimball, and MasterBrand are located within a few blocks of the property.
Additional Information: This property is located in an industrial area of Jasper near the headquarters of MasterBrand, Kimball International and other smaller, light manufacturing companies. This concrete block, light manufacturing building or warehouse building could be a good investment property for you or use it for your own. Located on the south side of the building is a truck height loading dock and there area also at grade overhead doors. The office portion located on the north side of the building has central air-conditioning, with a reception area and private offices, storage room and a restroom. The light manufacturing area is heated by ceiling hung gas fired Reznor heaters. Electrical service is provided by 600 amp and 400 amp services. Parking is provided along the east side of the building.
Property Address: 1325 Franklin Street, Jasper IN 47546
Cost: $250,000NOTE: Please contact with Deb Olinger, CCIM if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For sale.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For sale that located on 1325 Franklin Street, Jasper, IN 47546 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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