Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Oldsmar (34677) city, Florida state on 129 Fairfield St.
The property is located in the heart of downtown Oldsmar, along the north side of State Street, and extends to Tampa Road, a primary east-west eight-lane divided highway that extends from the Gulf into Tampa to the west. The downtown Oldsmar area has a "Main Street" extending along State Street, characterized by multi-level buildings that have been renovated & built to resemble historical buldings & architecture. There is a proposed mixed-use project (Market Square) planned for a 3.5 Acre site in downtown Oldsmar surrounding City Hall, located directly across from the subject property. The area along Tampa Road has seen a plethora of new good quality commercila developmpment in the area since the recent expantion of Tampa Road, including a concentrated area of intense development along Tampa Road and at the St. Petersburg Drive intersection to the west. There is a large industial park, Cypress Lakes Industial Park, and other business parks, offices, retail centers, restaurants, banks, professional & corporate offices, new hotels & other commercial developments, with supporting residential developments in the immediate vacinity.
Additional Information: FOR SALE OFFICE / WAREHOUSE - REDEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY: The property consists of 2 parcels located along the south side of Tampa Road and the north side of State Street, between Fairfield Street & Washington Avenue, in downtown Oldsmar, Florida. The property contains a total land area of 2.59 Acres MOL and is situated in a desireable area of downtown Oldsmar, near City Hall and a proposed mixed-use project (Market Square). The north parcel contains 46,417 SF (1.06 Acres) MOL and is a vacant parking lot located along Tampa Road. The south parcel contains approximately 66,480 SF (1.53 Acres) and is improved with 4 buildings with office, warehouse/manufacturing space & storage area, containing a total building area of aproxiimately 41,459 SF, built in 1990, 1981 & 1947. The property is located in the Community Redevelopment District & offers an excellent opportunity for investment, owner occupancy or potential redevelopment.
Property Address: 129 Fairfield St, Oldsmar FL 34677
Cost: $1,600,000NOTE: Please contact with Richard Harris if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For sale.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For sale that located on 129 Fairfield St, Oldsmar, FL 34677 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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