Detailed information about farm/ranch property which situated in Vero Beach (32966) city, Florida state on 12600 Florida 60.
Property is located minutes from downtown Vero Beach and 3.5 miles west of the SR60 and I-95 interchange.
Additional Information: This beautiful property would make the ideal recreational getaway, perfect for equestrian uses, hunting or sporting club. It is conveniently located just minutes from Atlantic beaches,with easy Interstate 95 access and the charming community of Vero Beach with many restaurants, hotels and shopping. The property has approximately 0.75 miles of road frontage along State Road 60 and adjoins the 54,000 acre Blue Cypress Conservation Area providing outstanding fishing, hunting and air boating opportunities. It features semi-improved pasture lands, scattered hammocks and approximately 185 acres of former citrus groves. With excellent drainage/irrigation including a 55 +/- acre reservoir, seven wells and three volume drainage pumps, this would also make an perfect farming site.
Property Address: 12600 Florida 60, Vero Beach FL 32966
Cost: $5,201,250NOTE: Please contact with Jeffrey L Cusson if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of farm/ranch property For sale.
farm/ranch property details
All information about farm/ranch property For sale that located on 12600 Florida 60, Vero Beach, FL 32966 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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