Detailed information about industrial property which situated in Spring City (19475) city, Pennsylvania state on 1120 W. Bridge Street.
From intersection of Rt#724, south on Bridge St 1.3 miles, property on left. From intersection of Rt#23, north on Bridge St 1 mile, property on right.
Additional Information: The property is located at the center of the East Vincent Business Park area as delineated on the Phoenixville Region Comprehensive Plan (June 2007) in north-central section of Chester County and is zoned PO-Industrial/Professional Office Research. This is land only. RSF is approximated based upon "by right" calculations. The property consists of approximately 41.798 acres and is at the corner of West Bridge Street and Stoney Run Road in East Vincent Township (Spring City), Pennsylvania. Frontage on Stoney Run Road is approximately 1,128' and frontage on West Bridge Street is approximately 1,809'. It is 3.6 miles from US Route #422, 4.9 miles from US Route #100, 15.1 miles from PA Interstate #76 (east-west PA Turnpike), and 17.9 miles from PA Interstate #476 (northeast extension of the PA Turnpike). The topography is rolling and will support 9 lots by right ranging in size from 3.54 acres to 4.95 acres. Use by right includes: 1. Scientific research laboratory or other testing or research establishment; 2. Executive, administrative, business, or professional office building; 3. Educational use, including public or educational use other than public school; corporate technical school for executives and employees; conference center, training center, or vocational-technical school; 4. Eleemosynary or philanthropic institution, charitable use; 5. Hospital or medical clinic; 6. Government offices or semi-public offices serving the public such as a library, post office, fire station, police station, municipal building, and community or civic center buildings; 7. Agriculture as provided for in Section 1608 of the Ordinance; 8. Municipal use; 9. Cold storage plant, frozen food plant; 10. Health or fitness club; 11. Mail order merchandise establishment; 12. Recreation, active and/or passive; 13. Self-service storage buildings; mini-warehouses; 14. Wholesale businesses; 15. Warehousing and distribution of products related to the uses above; 16. Planned Industrial Development; 17. Express mail pick-up or delivery establishment; and, 18. Forestry, where conducted in compliance with the provisions of Section 428.B of the East Vincent Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance. Contact broker for comprehensive site analysis package including demographics, zoning and engineering sketch plan showing parcel options.
Property Address: 1120 W. Bridge Street, Spring City PA 19475
Cost: $3,150,000NOTE: Please contact with Blair A. Gilbert, SIOR if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of industrial property For sale.
industrial property details
All information about industrial property For sale that located on 1120 W. Bridge Street, Spring City, PA 19475 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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