Detailed information about retail-commercial property which situated in Palmetto (34221) city, Florida state on 1012 10th St E.
Additional Information: NEW Price! This mixed-use business center is made up of variety of tenants: a hand-gun range with retail shop, an RV technical-training school, a workout gym, and a used-car operation. Plans are in the works to fill the last-remaining space. Property has a mega-billboard (fronting US 301) for portion of the monthly income stream. Only real estate is for sale; inventory and the tenant rent rolls for the aspiring investor/property manager are being handled separately. Several units are available for lease. Abundant on-site parking for customers and staff. Nearby neighbors include Wal-Mart, the new Feld Entertainment complex, branch banks, shopping plazas, and fast food. This is a busy stretch of US 301 (east of Palmetto) with approx. 38,000 AADT vehicle counts. There is a front, center-median cut with right/left turn capability to enter/exit the property. Inventory values and business incomes are to be negotiated separately from the real eastate.
Property Address: 1012 10th St E, Palmetto FL 34221
Cost: $750,000NOTE: Please contact with William Rex if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of retail-commercial property For sale.
retail-commercial property details
All information about retail-commercial property For sale that located on 1012 10th St E, Palmetto, FL 34221 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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