Detailed information about multi-family property which situated in Montgomery (36106) city, Alabama state on 1 Gatsby Dr.
Additional Information: Friedman Integrated Real Estate Solutions, in partnership with Southeast Apartment Partners, presents for sale Hillwood Apartments, a 118-unit multifamily community located at 1 Gatsby Drive in Montgomery, Alabama. Please note this REO asset will be sold through on November 15, 2012. All buyers must register with There is no co-op brokerage fee offered for this sale. This investment opportunity offers prospective purchasers the ability to acquire a stable apartment property with an excellent tenant base, strategically positioned near Maxwell Air Force Base, Gunter Annex, Jackson Hospital and Alabama State University. Currently 94.07% occupied, the property was constructed in 1981 on an 13.26-acre site in midtown Montgomery. This gated community boasts a full amenity package with large 2 and 3-bedroom units averaging over 1,400 SF.
Property Address: 1 Gatsby Dr, Montgomery AL 36106
Cost: Determined at AuctionNOTE: Please contact with Richard Deptula if you want to get more accurate details about pricing and availability of multi-family property For sale.
multi-family property details
All information about multi-family property For sale that located on 1 Gatsby Dr, Montgomery, AL 36106 was obtained from reliable sources, but we cannot guarantee that all data about pricing, details of the building and property was completed without error or has not been changed without notice or withdrawal without notice. If you want to get complete and actual information, please contact with agents.
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